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make disciples


The heart of Living Walk

"Discipling believers to lay down their lives and take up the living walk of Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission wherever God leads them."

According to Rainer Research, *approximately 70 percent of American youth drop out of church between the age of 18 and 22. The Barna Group estimates that 80 percent of those reared in the church will be "disengaged" by the time they are 29.

As Christian youth go from the safety of home and faith communities, they enter a stage in life filled with huge life-changing decision making moments.  The pressure to choose education and career wisely, abounds.  Even in the church, the focus is often on the 'how and what' of building ‘my own’ kingdom. 


This program provides an opportunity to “PAUSE” that way of thinking and refocus on what the call of a Disciple of Jesus, in the first place.


The benefit of this program to local communities is huge.  Participants will be involved in daily outreach to local churches, youth groups, ministries, schools, English classrooms etc.  

Young North American Christians will be provided with an opportunity to get to know church bodies in another culture,  opening their eyes to the vastness of the body of Christ.

Like Abraham with Isaac, this program provides participants with a living opportunity to put their life-plans, goals, dreams, education, careers on the altar, and see what God gives back.

Living Walk provides a space ‘away from the cultural norm’ for young adults to clear the noise of life away and hear God's command to make their lives about the Great Commission (and not simply fit the GC into their lives) and then to find the place where God wants them to live that out.

Living Walk works with pastors, teachers, speakers, etc from various ministries to come for a week’s stay and impart teaching on a variety of ‘being a disciple’ subjects (set-free, worship, prayer, evangelism, Etc)

The program will give participants an experience of a ‘living walk’ in Christ, through living out community with other believers, and the ministry of making disciples in the community. 

Our heart is to teach/encourage a love for culture and the ability to navigate it for the purpose of reaching lost people in Czech with the message of Christ, and provide encouragement and assistance to the Czech churches we currently work with.

*Taken from an article in Christianity Today, “The Leavers, Young Doubters exit the church”

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